July 22, 2013

A journey to Africa

To quote Mr. Bilbo Baggins, "I'm going on an adventure!"

Although, I will have to say that my adventure is slightly more exciting than trekking across the Misty Mountains. And the setting for it happens to be Africa, not Middle Earth.

As you may have gathered from previous posts, some opportunities have been unfolding for this fall and I am excited to say that plans are beginning to fall into place! When I was in Africa in 2009, I believe I left a piece of my heart there. I have been wanting to go back overseas for quite some time, but just hadn't found anything that seemed to fit what I was looking for. After praying, researching, and talking with people, I came across a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School (DTS) in South Africa through the ministry of Ten Thousand Homes. One of the focuses of this school is showing compassion towards Africa's orphaned and vulnerable children, which is something that God has really been laying on my heart. Needless to say, I was quite interested in their program, and began to research it more in depth.

God gave me a peace about applying, so I sent my application, and am happy to say that I have now received word that I was accepted into the program! The DTS runs from this September through next January, so I will be leaving the end of August. It's going to be quite a rush to get everything in place before I leave, and I'm sure that God is going to be teaching me a lot about trusting in Him!

So, all of that to say that I am going on a journey to South Africa. A journey of faith and growing in the Lord. I can hardly believe how God is putting all of this in place, and I pray that He will use this time to help me to grow in Him and be a light for Christ to all that I come in contact with. My desire to love those who may not otherwise know the amazing love of God, and I am so excited about this opportunity that the Lord has given to me!

I would love to hear what adventures God is taking YOU on...whether they be overseas or in your neighborhood. When you are seeking to live for the Lord, adventure can be found just about anywhere! I'm serious - I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Oh, how exciting! I'd love to do something similar, but I'm not sure I could handle being away from my family for that long.
    Right now I'm not sure what I'm going to do after high school (I have two years left), and I'm just trusting God to show me what to do. I'm pretty sure I'll either go vet tech or blog designer/photographer, but I don't know. :)


  2. Wow! This sounds so amazing! I just spent almost a half hour on their website exploring, and I am so jealous! For this fall I have applied to a two year theater school in South Carolina, and I am still waiting to hear back from them. The wait is killing me! Eventually what I want to do is use theater in a short term missions setting, and maybe start a group that teaches theater and travels to other countries to perform and share the gospel! Then I would get the best of both worlds! Theater, and traveling! So you can see why your opportunity makes me so excited. :) Congratulations! You will have to keep us updated!

  3. REBEKAH!!! I'm so-O excited for you!!! I'll be sending prayers your way as you get ready for this exciting journey! [smile]
    Many blessings!

