March 27, 2012

This is my story...what's yours?

Everyone has a story. Their own special story that is all their own because it was written just for them. But sometimes we decide that we like someone elses better than our own and we try to squeeze ourselves into a mold that wasn't meant for us. Sound familiar? You may be able to guess where this post is headed from here, but I want you to know that I'm not speaking about this topic as someone who has got it down pat and has never struggled with it, I'm sharing this as a girl who occasionally needs a gentle reminder...

God has created us all with a purpose in mind...kind of like clock pieces. If there was a clock that was only made out of gears, and those gears were all the exact same size, it really wouldn't be a clock. And even if it was considered a clock it wouldn't work in the way it was intended to. There is a diverse selection of parts that are used in building a clock, and all of them are unique, made for a special purpose. When each part is allowed to do the job it was made to do, the whole clock will work as it's supposed to. The same goes for people. We are all different. We all have a special purpose. We all have a part to play. Can you imagine if everyone looked the same, acted the same way, did their hair the same way, and always talked about the same subjects? That's one way to make the world a boring place! God created you with unique talents and abilities, which is something to celebrate! He gave you those things for a reason and He wants you to use them to glorify Him. If we are constantly comparing ourselves to others we're not only going to end up discontent but we'll also miss out on some pretty amazing opportunities we could have had if we had spent that time serving the Lord.

I think that it's safe to say that this happens quite often in the blogging world, wouldn't you agree? We start comparing ourselves to others, and then try to be like them. Yep...that includes tweaking your writing so that it sounds just a bit more like hers, or trying to copy their style of photography, or maybe copying that blog design just because it's so unique. Your blog is a place for you to tell your story and display your style, not someone elses! Everyone has their own unique story to share yours!!

I'm extending a challenge to the girl that God created you to be. You have been given a unique personality, style, and talents. Don't try to cover up those things and act like someone else - seek to use them to the glory of God!

This is my story...what's yours?


  1. Yes, good reminder for us all. I like the way you put it.

  2. Excellent reminder! Thank you for writing this. :)


  3. This is a truly wonderful post. Your writing is very good, and creative. Your story captured me and I liked reading it. Thanks for being another Godly example out there. Keep it up! :)
