March 29, 2012

Sisters (a.k.a. best friends)

My sisters know me better than anyone else. Seriously. They've shared my laughter, seen me at my worst moments, stared blankly at me when I suddenly feel like acting weird, and been there for me no matter what. I'm sure that all of you who have sisters can relate! I love those "sister" moments...precious times that I never want to forget. Ever. 

>> washing dishes, but somehow always ending up doubled over in laughter with tears rolling down our faces

>> listening to the Chronicles of Narnia while washing eggs each evening

>> studying hippology late into the night, yet for some reason not actually getting much studying done

>> just being plain can do that with sisters you know :)

>> working outside together, whether it be cleaning out chicken pens or weeding salad

>> grabbing my camera and dragging them outside for the "perfect" photoshoot

>> heart-to-heart sister talks with the older of my younger sisters

>> a quick trip to the little ice cream shop between errands and piano lessons (only guilty of that far)

>> dancing around the kitchen with my little sisters just for the fun of it

>> encouraging each other in our walks with the Lord

>> training for a 5k together...running is always more fun with a partner!

>> watering vegetables in the garden, but getting more water on each other than on the plants

These are the kinds of memories that will last a lifetime. 
Sisters truly are a gift from the Lord!


  1. Sisters are so much fun! I'm privileged to have 4 of them =)How old are yours?

    Blessings, Rebekah!

  2. This is my sister and I to the "t". We always manage to make a simple task take forever and never really get it done without laughing. We finish each other's sentences or don't even have to talk at all. I am so thankful for my sister!

  3. Thank you for your sweet comments!

    Bethany - My sisters are 15, 12, 6, and 3 :)


  4. Totally true about sisters! I can relate to A LOT of the things you listed! Even the part where I feel like acting silly (all of a sudden) and they look at me saying "There goes Rebekah again..."
    Then we have late night "conferences" where we never stop talking. Or we do impersonations and mimicking and laugh at ourselves till tears, like you said.

    You have 4 sisters?

  5. I just posted on my blog about sisters!! I didn't notice that you had as well =) I have a 7 year old sister. With a 12 year difference between us it's an interesting relationship.


  6. I agree that sisters are so much fun. I love my sister, and she is my big sister.

  7. I can totally relate. It's like living with your best friends.

    Sisters are such a blessing.

    Thanks for sharing sister moments and pictures. =)

