March 5, 2010


Welcome to the Beautiful Gems Blog! I'm a homeschooled farm-girl who loves horses, photography, and working outdoors :) But most of all, I want my life to bring glory to my heavenly Father.

My main goal with this blog is to encourage daughters of the King in their relationship with Him. I also write a newsletter called Beautiful Gems, which I started in January of 2007. I wanted to have a place where I could post favorite Beautiful Gems articles and other things that could be of encouragement to young ladies, which is the reason I started this blog. I also want to be able to keep the girls who subscribe to Beautiful Gems up-to-date on what the topics for the next issue are, when the next issue will be sent out, and other stuff about the newsletter.

If you have any ideas or questions, let me know either by comment or e-mail! I'd love to hear from you! I'll also warn you ahead of time that the layout of this blog may be changing every now and then, as I'm still in the process of editing it :)

I can't guarantee how often I'll update this blog, but I hope you'll visit again soon!

For His Glory,
~ Rebekah


  1. Becka,
    You are so well with you words. You exspress yourself so finelly. You TRULY are a daughter of the king.


  2. Rebekah when is the next issue coming out?


  3. Jess,
    The next issue will hopefully be out in the next week or two.

  4. Thank you Rebekah for all the hard work you put into this newsletter. I know it has been a blessing to me and I am sure it is to other girls.
