February 4, 2014

New Beginnings

This is a "Hello" as well as a "Goodbye". Well, sort of.

As you may have noticed, I've been pretty quiet around here these last few months. I recently arrived back in the states after being in Africa, and to put it simply, it was the hardest five months of my life yet also the most amazing five months. God taught me so much, and I really grew in my relationship with Him. Coming back is somewhat like a new beginning. A fresh start.

For quite some time I've contemplated creating a new blog. I have really loved posting here over the past few years, but I've reached a point where I need a blank page...and this just so happened to be the perfect opportunity. So although this will be the final post on this blog, I will be keeping it up in case anyone wants to explore the old archives.

I'm excited to say that, from now on, I can be found over at my new blog, Written Upon My Heart. It's been awhile in the making, and I look forward to finally being able to share with you this collection of life's adventures. I'd be honored to have you join me on this new journey!!

In Christ,
Rebekah Mae

November 6, 2013

A picture is worth a thousand words

I look forward to re-igniting this blog after I return from Africa...but for now I must content myself with letting the photos speak for themselves. Hope you are having a wonderful Fall!

September 26, 2013

Some days...

Some days it's hard to believe that I'm half way across the world from the country that I've always called home.

Some days I dream of the chilly Iowa autumn with colorful leaves swirling to the ground and warm Mexican Mochas.

Some days I miss my friends and family, the long heart-to-heart talks, and the crazy moments.

Some days...

But EVERY DAY I am so glad that I am here. Even in the difficult moments, I am so glad to be right here in Africa – right where I know that God has called me to be for this time. I am blown away at how God can take people from so many different cultures and countries, and make them into a family. I love the people here! God is so good, and I'm amazed at all He is doing.